Business Development Leader

anywhere, anywhere, anywhere .
full-time . November 29, 2023


When asked, AMLers cite five main reasons as to why they chose our team: culture, colleagues, growth trajectory, transparency and flexibility. 
Over the past 10 years, AML Oceanographic has grown by 17% per year, compounded annually. How? Most importantly, we’ve built a team that provides outstanding service and truly cares about our customers. AML has a market reputation for two things:
  • Going to the ends of the earth to make our customers successful, and
  • Bringing fresh ideas to an established market
What is the mission of this role?
Partner, license, acquire
Where is this role located?
No specific requirements
What are the responsibilities of this role?
  • Corporate leadership
  • Brings alive a compelling vision of the 1 to 3-year time frame; Ensures the 7 systems are running flawlessly; Raises the bar in all quadrants of business operation (people & culture, strategy, execution, cash) across ALL functional areas; Builds an A player team across ALL functional areas; Grows business leaders; Always walks the talk; Explains the how
  • Partnership
  • Negotiates non-sales / non-channel partnerships within existing market space
  • Licensing
  • Targets sellers of intellectual property and establishes dialogue; Negotiates and closes licensing contracts; Identifies buyers of AML intellectual property and establishes dialogue; Negotiates and closes licensing contracts
  • Acquisition
  • Identifies potential acquisition targets; Sells the vision of fit between AML and the target; Creates dialogue with senior decision makers; secures access to preliminary information; Assesses fit between AML and target; Where appropriate, negotiates to deal closure
  • Closes deals
  • Achieves quarterly and annual IP deal targets, expressed in contracts signed
  • Prospects for deals
  • Generates new non-marketing interest in AML as an IP partner via networking
  • Corporate performance
  • Leadership team - and company results - over functional team - and functional results; Guides the wider AML team to achievement of quarterly and annual critical numbers; Builds cash reserves; Grows 'same store' profit from existing IP; Increases profit per throughput hour; Identifies and manages risks to corporate plan and / or financial stability
What are the skills needed for this role?
  • Level 5 leader
  • Consistent humility balanced with an intense will for progress; Able to create a compelling vision; Can catalyze commitment to a wider group goal; Can inspire others; Adept at stimulating higher performance standards; Able to coach and mentor towards better; Skilled at building leadership in others; Is self-aware and reflective; Track record of discipline and rigour in thought; Can think on the fly; Able to forecast impact and consequences, company-wide; Can operate in the grey; Able to engage and harness contrarian opinion
  • This role is part of the Leadership Team
  • Sees the path
  • Able to articulate a clear vision for best-in-class in functional domain; Able to summarize, prioritize, and forecast barriers to better; Understands cash, culture, execution, and strategy as they pertain to corporate performance; Is financially literate and can parse the income statement and balance sheet: Understands the levers that impact individual, departmental and corporate performance; Expert in the 7 systems or similar; Experienced with company-wide growth methodologies
  • Relationship builder
  • Is able to build strong relationships with stakeholders (customers, partners, suppliers); Strong interpersonal and verbal communication skills; Ability to successfully balance conflicting interests; Listener and question asker; Has emotional intelligence and is able to read the tea leaves, is sensitive and attuned to nuance, is empathetic, etc.
  • 'Out-of-the-box' thinker
  • Adept at 'finding a way' OR finding alternative options that are meaningful to stakeholders (customers, partners, suppliers); Able to create simple solutions to complex problems; Skilled at recombining facts and perceptions to change the view
  • Able to jump from detail to concept; technical to strategic 
  • Ability to think on the fly; Able to grasp what's needed and by when; Ability to prioritize and focus on what matters most to achieve desired outcome; A knack for remembering details
  • Oceans market expert
  • Expert in the hydrographic, oceanographic science, environmental monitoring, and subsea construction markets; Understands channel, customer, supplier, competitor, and financial dynamics; Fluent in market trends; Understands customer pain; Has a pre-existing network of oceanographic decision-makers
  • Negotiate to a vision
  • Able to articulate a compelling vision of the future; Skilled at bringing stakeholders around to AML's view; Skilled at objection management and removal; Expert communicator
  • Risk assessment
  • Ability to identify, characterize and assess risk, for probability and for impact; Track record of risk mitigation and risk management
How do we measure success in this role?
IP Deal Points - One point awarded for each incremental milestone in the IP acquisition process
How to apply for this role?
In addition to your resume and cover letter, please clearly identify the personal values that you use to guide your decisions, and explain why these specific values are so important to you. Finally, please clearly indicate your compensation expectations. Please indicate your willingness to relocate for the position if required. This position is open until filled.